Norman- Psychosocial Interview Part-Task Trainer (SW)
Norman is a 56-year-old who is receiving medical care at the community clinic. You are the social worker assigned to complete a psychosocial interview with Norman.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Thomas- Occupational Profile Part-Task Trainer (OT)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

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Thomas is a 16-year-old who is exhibiting signs of withdrawal from peers and activities, excessive fatigue, and headaches. He is participating in an occupational therapy evaluation in a school setting. You are the occupational therapy practitioner assigned to complete Thomas’s occupational profile.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Mark- Assessment (PT)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

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Mark is a 62-year-old admitted to the critical care unit following coronary artery bypass surgery. You are the physical therapist assigned to complete his evaluation today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Advance Care Planning- Part-Task Trainer
Advance care planning allows individuals to express their healthcare preferences and make decisions about future medical treatment. You are the provider in an allied healthcare profession assigned to complete this training on advance care planning and report your findings.
Recommended time for completion is 30 minutes.

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Johnny- Assessment (SW)
Johnny is a 7-year-old who is experiencing family transitions and behavioral issues. His parents have been separated for eight months. You are the social worker play therapist assigned to complete an assessment with Johnny and his parents today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Supplemental Oxygen Types- Part-Task Trainer
Oxygen therapy is the administration of supplemental oxygen to people who cannot maintain adequate oxygen levels on their own. You are the clinician in a hospital setting assigned to verify types of supplemental oxygen delivery for five patients.
Recommended time for completion is 15 minutes.

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Electronic Documentation- Outpatient Setting Part-Task Trainer
Electronic documentation allows providers to gather and record information in a digital format. You are the provider in an outpatient setting assigned to complete a case review for one client by viewing electronic records and reporting your findings.
Recommended time for completion is 30 minutes.

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Dick- Occupational Profile Part-Task Trainer (OT)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

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Dick is a 69-year-old who experienced a cerebrovascular accident. He is participating in an occupational therapy evaluation at an outpatient clinic. You are the occupational therapy practitioner assigned to complete Dick’s occupational profile today.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Caregiver Support Group Part 2- Intervention (SW)
Joy, Maria, Ben, and Carol attend a caregiver support group at a local community center for individuals caring for a loved one diagnosed with dementia. You are the social work practitioner assigned to lead the group's final session today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Melanie- Home Safety and Accessibility Assessment Part-Task Trainer (PT)
Melanie is a 72-year-old with multiple sclerosis. You are the physical therapy practitioner assigned to complete a home safety and accessibility assessment.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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