Marcos- Intervention Part 1 (SW)
Marcos is a 19-year-old single father who is currently unhoused and needs resources for himself and his daughter. After an initial assessment, Marcos receives a referral to the Preparation for Adult Living program for case management services. You are the social worker assigned to provide Marcos’s intervention today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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James- Intervention (SW)
Jocelyne is seeking assistance from an educational advocate for her son James, 14, who has a neurological disorder and other learning challenges. Jocelyne and James live with her brother Daniel who provides support. After an initial consultation with an educational advocate, Jocelyne and Daniel decide to continue with advocacy services. You are the social work practitioner assigned to work with Jocelyne, James, and Daniel today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Joe- Intervention Part 1 (SW)
Joe is a 20-year-old experiencing feelings of depression and frustration about their body not matching their assigned sex at birth. After meeting for an initial assessment, Joe decides to continue attending therapy. You are the social worker assigned to provide Joe’s intervention.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Noah- Intervention (SW)
Noah is a 26-year-old who is experiencing feelings of anxiety. After meeting with a social worker for an initial assessment, Noah decides to continue attending therapy. You are the social worker assigned to provide Noah’s intervention today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Johnny- Intervention (SW)
Johnny is a 7-year-old who is experiencing family transitions and behavioral issues. After meeting with a social worker for an initial assessment, his parents decide to continue play therapy. You are the social worker assigned to work with Johnny and his parents today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Young Adult Support Group- Intervention (SW)
Danielle, Cody, Alex, and Brent attend a support group for young adults experiencing anxiety. You are the social work practitioner assigned to lead the group session today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Caregiver Support Group Part 2- Intervention (SW)
Joy, Maria, Ben, and Carol attend a caregiver support group at a local community center for individuals caring for a loved one diagnosed with dementia. You are the social work practitioner assigned to lead the group's final session today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Caregiver Support Group Part 1- Intervention (SW)
Joy, Maria, Ben, and Carol attend a caregiver support group at a local community center for individuals caring for a loved one diagnosed with dementia. You are the social work practitioner assigned to lead the group session today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Trish- Intervention (SW)
Trish is a 68-year-old who is engaging in compulsive behaviors that are interfering with her work and her personal relationships. After meeting with a social worker for an initial assessment, Trish decides to continue attending therapy. You are the social worker assigned to provide Trish’s intervention today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Jessica- Intervention (SW)
Jessica is an 18-year-old with cognitive delays who was evaluated by the Department of Human Services following a police response to an altercation between Jessica and her father, Darryl, about Jessica's parenting of her daughter, Janelle. After meeting with their Child Protective Services social worker for an initial assessment, Jessica and her parents have agreed to follow the necessary steps to keep their case voluntary. You are the social worker assigned to provide the family's intervention today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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