Don N.- ABA-2 Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Don N. is an 85-year-old who is referred for an evaluation due to concerns about planning and programming movements for speech. You are the practitioner assigned to administer the Apraxia Battery for Adults-Second Edition (ABA-2) and report your findings to your supervising speech-language pathologist. This simulation is presented in partnership with PRO-ED.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.
Doug B.- ABA-2 Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Doug B. is a 62-year-old who is referred for an evaluation due to concerns about planning and programming movements for speech. You are the practitioner assigned to administer the Apraxia Battery for Adults-Second Edition (ABA-2) and report your findings to your supervising speech-language pathologist. This simulation is presented in partnership with PRO-ED.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.
Larry- WAB-R Part 2 Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Larry is a 76-year-old who is referred for an evaluation. You are assigned to complete the Western Aphasia Battery-Revised (WAB-R) with Larry and report your findings. This simulation is presented in partnership with NCS Pearson Inc. To learn more about Pearson’s Training Partnership Program, click here.
Recommended time for completion is 90 minutes.
Larry- WAB-R Part 1 Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Larry is a 76-year-old who is referred for an evaluation. You are assigned to complete the Western Aphasia Battery-Revised (WAB-R) with Larry and report your findings. This simulation is presented in partnership with NCS Pearson Inc. To learn more about Pearson’s Training Partnership Program, click here.
Recommended time for completion is 90 minutes.
Don- Intervention (SLP)
Don is a 59-year-old with Broca's aphasia. Don attends therapy sessions regularly to help him communicate with people that are important to him as well as improve his naming and reading skills. Don's long-term goals are to hold a job and to increase awareness so others know more about aphasia. You are assigned to complete Don's intervention session today.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.
Dan- Intervention (SLP)
Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.
Dan is a 79-year-old with severe Wernicke’s aphasia. Dan and his wife attend therapy sessions regularly. Their goals are for Dan to communicate his needs and participate more independently in daily activities. You are assigned to complete Dan’s intervention session today.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.
Julia- CLQT+ Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Julia is a 55-year-old who is referred for an evaluation. You are assigned to complete the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus (CLQT+) with Julia and report your findings. This simulation is presented in partnership with NCS Pearson Inc. To learn more about Pearson’s Training Partnership Program, click here.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.
Bob- CLQT+ Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Bob is a 73-year-old who is referred for an evaluation. You are assigned to complete the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus (CLQT+) with Bob and report your findings. This simulation is presented in partnership with NCS Pearson Inc. To learn more about Pearson’s Training Partnership Program, click here.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.
Megan- CLQT+ Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Megan is a 31-year-old who is referred for an evaluation. You are assigned to complete the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus (CLQT+) with Megan and report your findings. This simulation is presented in partnership with NCS Pearson Inc. To learn more about Pearson’s Training Partnership Program, click here.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.
Larry- CLQT+ Part-Task Trainer (SLP)
Larry is a 76-year-old who is referred for an evaluation. You are assigned to complete the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus (CLQT+) with Larry and report your findings. This simulation is presented in partnership with NCS Pearson Inc. To learn more about Pearson’s Training Partnership Program, click here.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.